Karrierekatapult (12/24)
Rapport: Universell utforming
Denne rapporten omfatter nettstedet https://www.karrierekatapult.no/.
Hvordan lese rapporten
Rapporten viser en oversikt over alle sidene som er gjennomgått. Sidene deles inn i to kategorier: sider med mangler og sider uten mangler. Under hver side vises eventuelle mangler som ble oppdaget på siden. Mangler deles inn i to kategorier:
- Advarsel
- Potensiell feil som må manuelt sjekkes og bekreftes/avkreftes (ofte innholdsrelatert), eller brudd på et WCAG-kriterie som ikke er omfattet av Universell utforming og bør anses som en anbefaling å rette opp.
- Feil
- Brudd på et WCAG-kriterie som omfattes av Universell utforming.
Oppsummeringen av rapporten vil inneholde en liste over tiltak som vi anbefaler inkl. timeestimat for å fullføre tiltaket.
Rapporten inneholder
Sider med mangler
Alle sider
Mangler som opptrer på alle sidene i rapporten samles her. Dette er typisk mangler i faste blokker som hovedmeny, bunnmeny o.l. og trenger derfor bare å løses én gang.-
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 5Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (5)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1_A.G141 (2)
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h2 element appears to be the primary document heading, so should be an h1 element.
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold">Informasjonskapsler</h2>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(1) > h2
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold">Informasjonskapsler</h2>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(1) > h2
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H48 (3)
If this element contains a navigation section, it is recommended that it be marked up as a list.
<div class="lg:flex flex-row hidden gap-2 items-center mt-4 sm:mt-0"> <a href="/...</div>
Selektorhtml > body > header > div:nth-child(4)
<div class="flex flex-row gap-4 w-full"> <a...</div>
Selektor#mobile-nav > div:nth-child(5)
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2"> ...</div>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2)
Antall tilfeller: 2Notat:
This element has "position: fixed". This may require scrolling in two dimensions, which is considered a failure of this Success Criterion.Tilfeller (2)
<div x-data="consentBanner" x-show="!$store.consentBanner.getConsent()" x-transition="" class=" fixed z-50 inset-x-[1rem] bottom-[1rem] md:bottom-[2rem] max-h-[calc(100vh-2rem)] md:max-h-[calc(100vh-4rem)] md:w-[23rem] flex flex-col stack-2 p...
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(1)
<a class="fixed z-50 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-bold text-white -translate-y-24 opacity-0 top-4 left-8 bg-primary focus-visible:translate-y-0 focus-visible:opacity-100 outline-primary motion-safe:transition-transform" href="#content"> Gå direkte til ...
Selektorhtml > body > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 18Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (18)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Alpha (2)
This element's text or background contains transparency. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and background are at least 4.5:1.
<button @click="$store.consentBanner.saveConsent()" type="button" class="px-2 py-2 rounded text-sm font-bold bg-neutral/10 text-neutral"> Aksepter valgte ...</button>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > button:nth-child(2)
<button @click="$store.consentBanner.rejectAll()" type="button" class="px-2 py-2 rounded text-sm font-bold bg-neutral/10 text-neutral"> Avslå alle ...</button>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > button:nth-child(3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (4)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Hjem</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a
<button type="button" aria-controls="dropdown-menu-for-bedrifter" aria-expanded="false" class="text-gray-900 hover:text-gray-700 hover:text-primary">For bedrifter</button>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > button
<button type="button" aria-controls="dropdown-menu-for-studenter" aria-expanded="false" class="text-gray-900 hover:text-gray-700 hover:text-primary">For studenter</button>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > button
<a href="/opprett-konto" class="rounded-full border border-darkblue hover:bg-lightpurple text-darkblue p-2 px-4"> Opprett en kon...</a>
Selektorhtml > body > header > div:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (3)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<span class="text-xl text-white font-black">Karrierekatapult</span>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > span
<span class="text-xl text-white font-black">Kontakt</span>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span
<span class="text-xl text-white font-black">Følg oss</span>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > span
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (9)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<p>Karrierekatapult er en tjeneste...</p>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > p
<a href="https://www.utdanningibergen.no/">Utdanning i Bergen</a>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > p > a
<a href="/arrangementer" class="text-neon underline underline-neon">Finn arrangement</a>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)
<a href="/artikler" class="text-neon underline underline-neon">Artikler</a>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(2)
<a href="/om-oss" class="text-neon underline underline-neon">Om oss</a>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(3)
<p>Thormøhlens Gate 51, 5006 Berge...</p>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > p:nth-child(2)
<p>Telefon: +47 55 58 76 37</p>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > p:nth-child(3)
<p>E-post: <a href="mailto:hei@utd...</p>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > p:nth-child(4)
<a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
Selektorhtml > body > div:nth-child(6) > footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > p:nth-child(4) > a
Karrierekatapult - Oppdag mulighetene i Vestland
1.1.1 Ikke-tekstlig innhold
Antall tilfeller: 2Gi brukeren et tekstalternativ for innhold som ikke er tekst.Notat:
Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative.Tilfeller (2)
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2FwaWxpdHkuanBn/apility.jpg?w=50&fit=crop&s=7f2ed83e38f74e9e17b1d05c04c83beb" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" width="225" height="225" style="max-width: 58px; max-height: 58px;">
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > a:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/images/karrierekatapult-logo-iris-_-rgb.svg" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" width="839" height="552" style="max-width: 58px; max-height: 58px;">
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > a:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
3.2.2 Inndata
Antall tilfeller: 1Endring av verdien til et skjemafelt medfører ikke automatisk betydelige endringer i siden.Notat:
This form does not contain a submit button, which creates issues for those who cannot submit the form using the keyboard. Submit buttons are INPUT elements with type attribute "submit" or "image", or BUTTON elements with type "submit" or omitted/invalid.Tilfeller (1)
<form action="/arrangementer" method="GET"> <input id=...</form>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > form
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
This searchinput element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: label element, title undefined, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.Tilfeller (1)
<input id="a--input" type="search" placeholder="Søk..." style="box-shadow: none !important;" name="q" value="" class=" form-input mt-1 block w-full px-3 py-2 border focus:border-1 focus:ring-[3px] focus:ring-lightpurple focus:ring-offset-0 focus:b...
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 3Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Notat:
If this element contains a navigation section, it is recommended that it be marked up as a list.Tilfeller (3)
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-6 mt-12 mb-5 md:mb-0"> ...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3)
<div class="flex flex-row gap-2 align-center items-center mx-auto flex-wrap self-center justify-center"> ...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div
<div class="flex flex-row gap-6 align-center items-center mx-auto flex-wrap self-center justify-center"> ...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 5Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (5)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (2)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="lg:max-w-[55%] w-full text-black text-4xl md:text-hero md:leading-hero">Synliggjør din bedrift på Karri...</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > h1
<h2 class="text-darkblue text-3xl md:text-4xl z-10 overflow-wrap">Søk etter karrieremuligheter og...</h2>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > h2
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (2)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<p>Karrierekatapult er både en uke...</p>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > p
<a href="/arrangementer" class="btn flex w-full md:w-2/5 mb-5 md:mb-0 text-darkblue underline" style="align-items: center;">Se arrangementer →</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3) > a:nth-child(2)
Finn arrangement på Karrierekatapult
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 2Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.F68 (1)
This form field should be labelled in some way. Use the label element (either with a "for" attribute or wrapped around the form field), or "title", "aria-label" or "aria-labelledby" attributes as appropriate.
<input class="rounded-l-full search-input" type="text" placeholder="Søk...">
Selektor#app > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > form > input
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1_A.G141 (1)
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.
<h3 class="text-darkblue text-xl mb-5"><a href="/arrangementer/bli-med...</h3>
Selektor#app > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(2) > h3
3.2.2 Inndata
Antall tilfeller: 2Endring av verdien til et skjemafelt medfører ikke automatisk betydelige endringer i siden.Notat:
This form does not contain a submit button, which creates issues for those who cannot submit the form using the keyboard. Submit buttons are INPUT elements with type attribute "submit" or "image", or BUTTON elements with type "submit" or omitted/invalid.Tilfeller (2)
<form class="flex flex-col gap-3"><label class="flex flex-grow ga...</form>
Selektor#app > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > form
<form class="flex flex-col gap-3"><label class="flex flex-grow ga...</form>
Selektor#app > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > form
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
This textinput element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: label element, title undefined, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.Tilfeller (1)
<input class="rounded-l-full search-input" type="text" placeholder="Søk...">
Selektor#app > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > form > input
1.1.1 Ikke-tekstlig innhold
Antall tilfeller: 1Gi brukeren et tekstalternativ for innhold som ikke er tekst.Notat:
Img element is marked so that it is ignored by Assistive Technology.Tilfeller (1)
<img src="/storage/01J039FQZD1YP8Y4Y1CRBWQK8M.svg" alt="" class="self-center w-full h-full object-contain aspect-video-2">
Selektor#app > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(1) > img
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="lg:max-w-[75%] md:text-5xl text-3xl font-normal mb-5">Finn arrangement</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<p class="md:w-[40%] sm:w-[50%] w-[70%] overflow-wrap break-words text-[0.875rem]"> Oppdag hva deres k...</p>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > p
Karrierekatapult - Artikler om karriere og jobb
1.1.1 Ikke-tekstlig innhold
Antall tilfeller: 1Gi brukeren et tekstalternativ for innhold som ikke er tekst.Notat:
Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative.Tilfeller (1)
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2FyYmVpZHMtLW9nLW5hZXJpbmdzbGl2LTItMTcyOTU4NTMxOC5qcGc=/arbeids--og-naeringsliv-2-1729585318.jpg?w=50&fit=crop-50-37-1&s=62adb97a408722390abae21f0e47b89d" class="rounded-lg img-fluid" loading="lazy" width="4500" ...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 1Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Notat:
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h5 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.Tilfeller (1)
<h5 class="text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight text-darkblue">Bidra til å bygge fremtidens Ve...</h5>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > h5
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Lad opp til Karrierekatapult</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<div class="w-[45%] text-lg">Sjekk ut tips og artikler om ul...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div
https://karrierekatapult.no/contact-formAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 1
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
https://karrierekatapult.no/for-bedrifterAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 1
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
Karrierekatapult - synliggjør mulighetene hos din bedrift
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 3Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1_A.G141 (1)
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.
<h3><strong>Lyst til å bidra til at...</h3>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(1) > h3
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H42.2 (1)
Heading tag found with no content. Text that is not intended as a heading should not be marked up with heading tags.
<h2> </h2>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(1) > h2:nth-child(12)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H39.3.NoCaption (1)
If this table is a data table, consider using a caption element to the table element to identify this table.
<table class="w-full bg-light border-collapse min-w-[580px] sm:min-w-none"> ...</table>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(4) > table
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (2)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
<span class="sr-only">strings.external_link</span>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(6) > a > span:nth-child(2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Synliggjør mulighetene hos din ...</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
Antall tilfeller: 1Notat:
Accessible name for this element does not contain the visible label text. Check that for user interface components with labels that include text or images of text, the name contains the text that is presented visually.Tilfeller (1)
<a class="inline-flex items-baseline gap-0.5 font-bold motion-safe:transition button button-neon button-lg " href="https://karrierekatapult.no/registrer-bedriftskonto" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Registrer d...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(6) > a
Karrierekatapult - Slik lager du et bra program
1.1.1 Ikke-tekstlig innhold
Antall tilfeller: 1Gi brukeren et tekstalternativ for innhold som ikke er tekst.Notat:
Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative.Tilfeller (1)
<img src="/images/apen-dag-74.jpg" class="w-full max-h-[40vh] object-cover">
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > img
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
Slik oppdaterer du profilen din og lager arrangement
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 4Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (4)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1_A.G141 (1)
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.
<h3>Lurer du på hvordan du redigere...</h3>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(1) > h3
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H42 (2)
Heading markup should be used if this content is intended as a heading.
<p><strong>Her kan du oppdatere:&n...</p>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(7) > p:nth-child(2)
<p><strong>Her kan du: </stro...</p>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(11) > p:nth-child(2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H42.2 (1)
Heading tag found with no content. Text that is not intended as a heading should not be marked up with heading tags.
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(9) > h2:nth-child(1)
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 2Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Slik oppdaterer du profilen din...</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
Karrierekatapult - Spørsmål og svar for bedrifter
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Spørsmål og svar</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<div class="w-[45%] text-lg">Lurer du på noe? Her finner du ...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div
https://karrierekatapult.no/for-studenterAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 1
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
Karrierekatapult - Finn ut hva din kompetanse kan brukes til!
1.1.1 Ikke-tekstlig innhold
Antall tilfeller: 1Gi brukeren et tekstalternativ for innhold som ikke er tekst.Notat:
Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative.Tilfeller (1)
<img src="/images/karrierekatapult-hva-kan-min-utdanning-brukes-til.jpg" class="w-full max-h-[40vh] object-cover">
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > img
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 2Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H42 (1)
Heading markup should be used if this content is intended as a heading.
<p><strong>Er du nysgjerrig på hvi...</p>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1_A.G141 (1)
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.
<h3>Praktisk informasjon</h3>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(3) > h3
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
Karrierekatapult - Spørsmål og svar for studenter
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Spørsmål og svar</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<div class="w-[45%] text-lg">Lurer du på noe om Karrierekata...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div
https://karrierekatapult.no/logg-innAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 1
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
https://karrierekatapult.no/long-form-contentAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 3
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 3Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H43,H63 (1)
The relationship between td elements and their associated th elements is not defined. Use either the scope attribute on th elements, or the headers attribute on td elements.
<table class="w-full bg-light border-collapse min-w-[580px] sm:min-w-none"> ...</table>
Selektor#content > div > section > article > div:nth-child(6) > table
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H39.3.NoCaption (1)
If this table is a data table, consider using a caption element to the table element to identify this table.
<table class="w-full bg-light border-collapse min-w-[580px] sm:min-w-none"> ...</table>
Selektor#content > div > section > article > div:nth-child(6) > table
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H48 (1)
If this element contains a navigation section, it is recommended that it be marked up as a list.
<div class="span-md flex flex-wrap gap-3 not-prose my-8"> <...</div>
Selektor#content > div > section > article > div:nth-child(10)
2.4.1 Hoppe over blokker
Antall tilfeller: 1Gi brukeren mulighet til å hoppe direkte til hovedinnholdet.Notat:
Iframe element requires a non-empty title attribute that identifies the frame.Tilfeller (1)
<iframe class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full" width="100%" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/53018096?dnt=1" height="auto" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowf...
Selektor#content > div > section > article > div:nth-child(8) > div > iframe
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 2Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (2)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
<span class="sr-only">strings.external_link</span>
Selektor#content > div > section > article > div:nth-child(10) > a:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(2)
Karrierekatapult - Om oss
1.1.1 Ikke-tekstlig innhold
Antall tilfeller: 14Gi brukeren et tekstalternativ for innhold som ikke er tekst.Notat:
Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative.Tilfeller (14)
<img src="/images/arbeids--og-naeringsliv-3-1.jpg" class="w-full max-h-[40vh] object-cover">
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci91aWItZm9yZW5rbGV0cG9zaXRpdmluaXRpYWxvcmQtLS1rb3BpLnBuZw==/uib-forenkletpositivinitialord---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=3f091e3d8d31db28dfe3ef7e04758c8c" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loadi...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9odmwtaG9yaXNvbnRhbC0tLWtvcGkucG5n/hvl-horisontal---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=13c753de932dc31140cb0103340bbab7" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" width="200" height="200" style...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9uaGgtbG9nby0xZi1wb3NpdGl2LWhlbGJsYWEtLS1rb3BpLnBuZw==/nhh-logo-1f-positiv-helblaa---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=da1ee4f11e50a8afbec24fa1edab39f4" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="laz...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9iaS1uby10ZXh0LnBuZw==/bi-no-text.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=7052d08abfe0f1104913d456405ee85d" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" width="804" height="804" style="max-width: 58px; max-...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(4) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9ubGEtaWNvbi13aXRoLWJvcmRlci0xNzMyNzg3MDUwLnBuZw==/nla-icon-with-border-1732787050.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=cce9d8aef1a3b69fbebbed4496af50e9" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" widt...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci92aWQtbG9nby1wb3NpdGl2LS0ta29waS5wbmc=/vid-logo-positiv---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=a9314e8676ac383c61dadf5ce6b484c9" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" width="701" height="701"...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(6) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9rcmlzdGlhbmlhLWxvZ28tdmVydGlrYWwtbGl0ZW4tMjItcm9kLS0ta29waS0xNzMyNzg3Mjc4LnBuZw==/kristiania-logo-vertikal-liten-22-rod---kopi-1732787278.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=2577ef61d3822d75df4d4feac53ad30f" class="obj...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(7) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9mYWdza3VsZW4tdmVzdGxhbmQtbG9nby1yZ2ItaG92ZWRibGEtZS1tLWNyay0tLWtvcGkucG5n/fagskulen-vestland-logo-rgb-hovedbla-e-m-crk---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=6b5734eea328081b0cf3d4ca25504839" class="object-contain ...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(8) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9zYW1tZW4tbG9nby1vcmFuc2plLS0ta29waS5wbmc=/sammen-logo-oransje---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=3928884406cba14aa33a433bd0b2570f" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" width="2005" heig...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(9) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci92ZXN0bGFuZC1meWxrZXNrb21tdW5lX3JnYi0tLWtvcGkucG5n/vestland-fylkeskommune_rgb---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=65b65cf250f08a1e843842ee393d3499" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" wi...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(10) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9sb2dvLXJnYi1ob3lkZS1iZXJnZW5rb21tdW5lLS0ta29waS0xNzMyNzg3MTg2LnBuZw==/logo-rgb-hoyde-bergenkommune---kopi-1732787186.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=b65b6625292ceb377d5bbfdaaf3b62dc" class="object-contain self-cent...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(11) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci9sb2dvLXJnYi1ob3lkZS1iZXJnZW5rb21tdW5lLS0ta29waS0xNzMyNzg3MTg2LnBuZw==/logo-rgb-hoyde-bergenkommune---kopi-1732787186.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=b65b6625292ceb377d5bbfdaaf3b62dc" class="object-contain self-cent...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(6) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
<img src="/img/asset/aW1hZ2VzL2xvZ29lci92ZXN0bGFuZC1meWxrZXNrb21tdW5lX3JnYi0tLWtvcGkucG5n/vestland-fylkeskommune_rgb---kopi.png?w=50&fit=crop&s=65b65cf250f08a1e843842ee393d3499" class="object-contain self-center rounded-2xl" loading="lazy" wi...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(6) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > picture > img
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 1Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Notat:
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.Tilfeller (1)
<h3 class="text-darkblue text-base font-bold"> Universit...</h3>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > h3
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class="font-bold text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
Registrer konto
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Opprett konto</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<div class="w-[45%] text-lg">Bli med på Karrierekatapult! Fo...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div
Karrierekatapult - Personvernerklæring
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 2Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H42 (1)
Heading markup should be used if this content is intended as a heading.
<p><strong>Kontaktopplysninger til...</p>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(7)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H39.3.NoCaption (1)
If this table is a data table, consider using a caption element to the table element to identify this table.
<table class="w-full bg-light border-collapse min-w-[580px] sm:min-w-none"> ...</table>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div:nth-child(2) > table
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 2Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Personvernerklæring</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
Registrer bedriftskonto
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 6Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (6)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H71.NoLegend (4)
Fieldset does not contain a legend element. All fieldsets should contain a legend element that describes a description of the field group.
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6" border="b-gradient"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > div > fieldset
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6" border="b-gradient"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(3)
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6" border="b-gradient"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(4)
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6" border="b-gradient"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(5)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H44.NonExistentFragment (2)
This label's "for" attribute contains an ID that does not exist in the document fragment.
<label for="industries">Bransje(r)</label>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > div > fieldset > div > div:nth-child(3) > label
<label for="organizer-type">Type bedrift</label>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > div > fieldset > div > div:nth-child(4) > label
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 2Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle4.Guideline4_1.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent (1)
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle4.Guideline4_1.4_1_2.H91.InputSearch.Name (1)
This searchinput element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: label element, title undefined, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.
<input class="select2-search__field" type="search" tabindex="0" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="none" spellcheck="false" role="searchbox" aria-autocomplete="list" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="select2-industries-select-container" placeholder...
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > div > fieldset > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > span:nth-child(1) > span > span > input
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 35Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (35)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (27)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
<option value="2">PR / Kommunikasjon</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(2)
<option value="4">Bank / Finans / Forsikring</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(3)
<option value="3">IT</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(4)
<option value="5">Administrasjon / Organisasjon /...</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(5)
<option value="6">Annet</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(6)
<option value="7">Bærekraft / Fornybar energi / S...</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(7)
<option value="8">Barn / Skole / Undervisning</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(8)
<option value="9">Butikk</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(9)
<option value="10">Bygg / Anlegg</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(10)
<option value="11">Helse / Sosial / Omsorg</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(11)
<option value="12">Hotell / Restaurant / Uteliv</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(12)
<option value="13">Industri / Produksjon</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(13)
<option value="14">Ingeniør</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(14)
<option value="15">Interesseorganisasjoner</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(15)
<option value="16">Juss</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(16)
<option value="17">Konsulent / Rådgiver</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(17)
<option value="18">Kunst / Kultur / Musikk</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(18)
<option value="19">Maritim / Offshore</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(19)
<option value="20">Markedsføring / Salg</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(20)
<option value="21">Media</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(21)
<option value="22">Offentlig administrasjon</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(22)
<option value="23">Økonomi / Regnskap</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(23)
<option value="24">Petroleum</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(24)
<option value="25">Reise / Turisme</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(25)
<option value="27">Utdanning / Forskning</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(26)
<option value="26">Transport / Logistikk / Lager</option>
Selektor#industries-select > option:nth-child(27)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Registrer bedriftskonto</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (7)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<div class="w-[45%] text-lg">Lyst til å bidra til at flere n...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div
<option value="5">Gründerbedrift / kulturbedrift/...</option>
Selektor#organizer-type-select > option:nth-child(2)
<option value="6">1-4 ansatte**</option>
Selektor#organizer-type-select > option:nth-child(3)
<option value="7">5-10 ansatte**</option>
Selektor#organizer-type-select > option:nth-child(4)
<option value="8">11-50 ansatte**</option>
Selektor#organizer-type-select > option:nth-child(5)
<option value="9">51-150 ansatte**</option>
Selektor#organizer-type-select > option:nth-child(6)
<option value="10">Over 150 ansatte**</option>
Selektor#organizer-type-select > option:nth-child(7)
Registrer brukerkonto
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 4Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Tilfeller (4)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.H71.NoLegend (3)
Fieldset does not contain a legend element. All fieldsets should contain a legend element that describes a description of the field group.
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6" border="b-gradient"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(2)
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(3)
<fieldset class="relative rounded-2xl p-1 flex fieldset-box transition-all flex-col gap-6"> <div class="relative bg-wh...</fieldset>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(4)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1_A.G141 (1)
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.
<h3 class="text-md">Jeg er...</h3>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > div > form > fieldset:nth-child(3) > div > h3
4.1.1 Parsing (oppdeling)
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle sider skal være uten store kodefeil.Notat:
Duplicate id attribute value "student-div" found on the web page.Tilfeller (1)
<div class="student-div flex flex-col gap-3" id="student-div" style="display: none;"> <h3 class...</div>
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 3Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (3)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Opprett brukerkonto</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.
<div class="w-[45%] text-lg">Bli med på Karrierekatapult og ...</div>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > div
https://karrierekatapult.no/sporsmal-og-svarAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 1
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
https://karrierekatapult.no/utforsk-fagretningerAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 1
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 1Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Notat:
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
https://karrierekatapult.no/vilkarAntall advarsler: 1 Antall feil: 2
2.4.2 Sidetitler
Antall tilfeller: 1Bruk nyttige og tydelige sidetitler.Notat:
The title element in the head section should be non-empty.Tilfeller (1)
<title> ...</title>
Selektorhtml > head > title
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 2Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Vilkår for brukerkonto</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
Karrierekatapult - Vilkår for registrering av bedrift
4.1.2 Navn, rolle, verdi
Antall tilfeller: 1Alle komponenter har navn og rolle bestemt i koden.Notat:
Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.Tilfeller (1)
<a href="/"> <svg class="sv...</a>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a
1.3.1 Informasjon og relasjoner
Antall tilfeller: 1Ting skal være kodet som det ser ut som.Notat:
The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.Tilfeller (1)
<h3>Betaling og oppsigelse</h3>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(3) > section > article > div > h3:nth-child(2)
1.4.3 Kontrast (minimum)
Antall tilfeller: 2Kontrastforholdet mellom teksten og bakgrunnen er minst 4,5:1.Tilfeller (2)
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G18.Abs (1)
This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.
<a href="/om-oss" class=" text-gray-900 hover:text-primary">Om oss</a>
Selektor#navbar-default > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > a
WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_4.1_4_3.G145.BgImage (1)
This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.
<h1 class="text-hero lg:max-w-[50%] w-1/2 font-bold leading-hero font-black">Vilkår for registrering av bedr...</h1>
Selektor#content > div:nth-child(1) > div > h1
Basert på rapportens funn må “Mal – WCAG-sjekkliste for utfylling av tilgjengelighetserklæring” fylles ut.
Tiltak | Estimat (timer) |
Totalt: | 0 |